Lance Thompson

Lance Thompson

  • Assistant Director of Student Involvement for Campus Activities
Email Address:
Office location:
Todd Wehr Center 112


Lance Thompson is the Assistant Director of Student Involvement for Campus Activities. He comes to Carthage from being the Director of Student Activities at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in Winona, Minnesota. As a native Minnesotan, he has no excuse but to be a Minnesota Vikings fan, so don’t hold it against him. Lance has an extensive professional background in student programming, events, student government, and clubs.


  • B.A. — Political Science, St. Mary’s University
  • M.A. — Human Development, St. Mary’s University

Main responsibilities at Carthage

Lance is the staff advisor for the Carthage Activities Board, helps with the implementation of New Student Orientation, and is the coordinator of the more than 130 clubs and organizations on campus.

Favorite thing about working at Carthage

“I’m all about gawking at Lake Michigan for longer than should be appropriate.”

Other interests?

Lance Thompson Lance loves listening to hipster music in his office, attending baseball games, collecting junk, and watching unwatchable YouTube videos with his son.